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🆖 又在说things were better pre-internet 也许吧……但我从没觉得有好过 可能生在90s就已经太晚了 现在还是有internet比较好 不然我去面对现实里的这些屎吗

"The fans are going to flip the f*ck out. In fact, the rest of the band are going to flip out".

大哥 除了你出柜我没有什么可震惊的 你出柜我也不震惊

Tarantura的flow很有意思 在deep inside my pocket和castle on the hill中间夹一首mary anne(对不起我狂笑

把cum on feel the noize开头baby baby baby baby截出来当铃声 一收到短信就能听小莉baby十二连

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