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也非全然除了坏哥哥都是好老公 RW还直说想睡莉呢…………

但感觉我看过的里刘骨是代咖喱格的极限了(还特别假)话又说回来 这世界要是有那么多类咖喱格还得了啊 :Albus_shaking:

如果我们家有二胎了 顺着糊糊的名字应该起名叫
A. 粥粥
B. 粒粒


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莉: Her looks, her personality, good heart…and a fucking wobbly nose.
: Nothing from your dad?
莉: Nothing from me dad, no…except for the badass hahaha. Dad was a badass I got his badass but nothing from that cunt no.

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问缸和莉两个人从父母继承了什么特质 说的几乎一毛一样
缸: from me dad I don’t think I inherited anything honestly. Well my dad was a DJ so probably musical instinct of me dad. That’s probably the fucking only thing he ever done for our family anyway. Of me mum probably honesty, and hard work… all the good things are really of me mum, all the bad things of me dad hehe.

不过比起死系列我觉得wandering star更那个 过于深情直白了(当社比

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